Sean O Neill to nurture next generation of entrepreneurs with £250k+ investment support
An Irishman who came to Liverpool more than two decades ago has set up a foundation to give back to the city he immediately fell in love with. After building a large property portfolio and investing in more than 30 businesses across the city, Sean O Neill wants to continue with what he sees as the core principles of his business – people and how he can help them improve their business or make their journey easier.
Sharing the values of many Liverpudlians in business that he struck up a friendship with, Sean was initially reluctant to ‘go public’ on a brand campaign to help spread awareness of how he wanted to give back.
“I’m quite happy to remain relatively low profile, continuing to build my business portfolio further whilst helping others establish and build theirs too. However, I am also good at taking advice from my team who are better than me at making marketing decisions and that’s how the brand was born.
“After all, having a dedicated brand when I started in business has enabled me to understand how I find my business partners and the conversions and processes involved in creating some really successful brands over the last 20 years.
“I want to meet more people and share my knowledge, team, and process to help other people become successful entrepreneurs and make new friends along the way.”
Working with his team, the Meet Sean O Neill brand consists of four pillars that embody who Sean is, his background, goals, vision and aspirations for 2024.
The pillars include MSO Club, MSO Foundation, MSO Invest and MSO Events. MSO Club is about sharing knowledge, contacts, and resources from people at all stages of their entrepreneurial journey – the first MSO Club took place on November 23rd in San Carlo’s private dining room and was a resounding success.
MSO Foundation aims to empower and support Liverpool-based individuals, groups and community-focused initiatives by providing financial support, educational resources, and mentorship opportunities with a £75k foundation grant. MSO Invest will nurture and support the next generation of entrepreneurs in the Liverpool City Region with a £250k+ investment support package. Plus, MSO Events will educate and inform through a series of events that provide actionable and practical lessons on building a successful brand.
Sean started life on a rural farm in Northern Ireland and it was here that his passion for entrepreneurship began, from selling fireworks to school friends to hustling on the snooker table and winning the Irish Amateur Title. Since making Liverpool his home, he has bought and sold several hundred properties in addition to his thirty-plus business investments and has travelled to 59 countries.
Now it’s time for his four new projects to support other businesses, entrepreneurs and good causes in the Liverpool City Region.
MSO Invest:
MSO Foundation:
MSO Club:
MSO Event: