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By Joel Jelen

In the first few months after entering the PR and marketing industry, I was taken aback by the speed with which things happened.

I wasn’t ignorant of business, far from it, but the dynamism involved did take me by surprise.
It’s a lot quicker now and from hundreds of conversations in more recent times, the speed required in other industries that we work with like e.g. regeneration, wellbeing, environment, charity and community is similar.
Online communication has created that yes, but there’s some habitual stuff going on there too in workplace culture.
It made sense to me then that every Wednesday, I should write and publish a post dedicated to 10 ways of how to relax so I will.
I’ll keep it going every Wednesday until I run out of ideas! Given that I’m a well-being advocate, this could take some time!
Btw, don’t expect your head to fall off when you read some or all the ideas. It’s more a reminder to myself and to you to actually do some of them!
Here goes in no particular order, feel free to tell me what you think and add yours:
Wander round a free museum
Listen to an audiobook (I did this yesterday for 30 minutes in between meetings in town, sat on the steps of Liverpool ONE in the sunshine)
Have a candlelit dinner
Write a list of the things that bring you joy – I keep a journal
Put your phone at night on ‘do not disturb!’
Visit a new café and try something new!
Follow a breathing exercise. Try inhaling for three, exhaling for five and pausing for three and repeat for five minutes
Make a playlist of your personal feelgood songs
Write down your five year plan
Listen to a comedy podcast!
Right, back to media deadlines, catch up soon!


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